Q1 The city is Sydney. Answer A
Q2 The airport is London Heathrow on a sunny day in February. Answer C
Q3 The bird is an Ibis and they are regarded as a nuisance in Sydney.
Answer B
Q4 Melbourne is the place where they have the peculiar ‘Right turn from left only’ signs. This would cause chaos in most cities but is because they have trams in the centre of many Melbourne streets. Answer B
Q5 This mountain range is called The Hazards and it is found at the Freycinet peninsula. You can buy a very nice bottled lager called Hazards Ale. I would like to buy some in the UK but cannot find it. Maybe I should import some. Answer C
Q6 This Federation Square is in Melbourne. Answer B
Q7 The sheltered beach is Balmoral Beach. Manly and Coogee are both surfing beaches. Answer C
Q8 During the day these bats are found in the Botanical Gardens. At dusk they fly east.
Answer A
Q9 This is a picture of a Possum. If grasshoppers were that big it would be scary.
Answer C
Q10 It is the QE2 moored in Hobart. Answer B
Q11 The 3 year old prisoner was held in Old Melbourne Gaol. Discipline these days isn’t what it used to be. Answer C
Q12 The kite surfing is at St. Kilda. Answer A
Q13 Look out for Kangeroos from dawn to dusk The sign was seen on the east coast of Tasmania. Answer A
Q14 ‘Bust Me Gal’ hill is in Tasmania and so is ‘Break me Neck’ hill. Answer B
Q15 Bowral in NSW is where you will find the Don Bradman museum. This was easy one as the answer was written on the sign. Answer B
Q16 This is a picture of Bondi Beach as I am sure you know. Answer A
Q17 The QE2 is moored at Circular Quay just after it’s historic rendezvous with the Queen Mary 2 in Sydney Harbour. Answer C
Q18 Woking really is the meanest council in England and they truly take advantage of motorists wanting to park there. So I guess my advice is to give Woking a miss.
Answer B
Q19 Wineglass Bay is just one of the beautiful bays in the Freycinet area. Answer C
Q20 This Boeing Jumbo is tail area is normal so they must be designed like this. Anyone know why ? Answer A
The quiz was rather easy really but it did give me the chance to show a few of the 500 photos I took on my trip to Oz.
Now that the weather is improving I must get back into a Cessna 152 and start flying again. I would love to do the shark patrol along the Sydney beaches but I guess Southern England will have to do.
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